Grievance Mechanism

Grievance Mechanism

Royal Silver Plus Co. Ltd. (“RSP”) makes every attempt to ensure that our customers are treated with courtesy and that their concerns are acknowledged and addressed in a timely manner. Our goal is to create a clear and coherent process to respond to any issues, and it is our policy to consider constructive comments as an opportunity for improvement.

With regard to the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and the Responsible Minerals Assurance Programs (RMAP), RSP acknowledges the right of any individual or organization relevant to RSP (customers, business partners, service providers, or their representatives) to be able to raise any concerns about our process, and to file a grievance about our decision making protocol.

This form allows any person or customer to submit a concern or grievance to RSP for review, assessment and response. The issues about RSP policy should be factual and evidence based. Please include all relevant documentation with your submission. All comments about our processes or criteria will be taken seriously and submitted to our compliance officer for investigation and review. All relevant submissions will be “logged” and maintained as a record in our files for a period of five years. If the issue does not concern RSP directly, or you have broader concerns or comments, you may also contact the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) directly through their grievance page of the Responsible Minerals Initiative website or the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) through their grievance complains mechanism via their website.

Our website allows for the anonymous reporting of incidents. In the event a “whistleblower” chooses to disclose information about wrongdoing or human rights related violations about our supplier or their practices, RSP will ensure the confidentiality of the supplier of the information, unless disclosure is required by law. Although providing contact information better allows RSP to further follow up with the information given during the investigation and resolution process, submissions which disclose information in good faith will be investigated in the same manner as other submissions. Anonymous submissions can also be made through the RMI website or RJC website.

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